What I learned after I stopped consuming Marijuana

Nupur Gandhi
3 min readApr 30, 2020
Photo by Kimzy Nanney on Unsplash

Who does not like to smoke up, if they know how to do it right?

I have some interesting experiences with marijuana.

I have quite a lot of friends who smoke regularly and I also have friends who have either never done it or have quit.

I have experienced both sides. There was a time when I would not go a day without it and I did it became a part of my routine, just like eating and breathing.

It is very easy for it to creep into your life and make you believe that it is not addictive.

I agree the drug itself is not addictive. But the effect it causes can be quite addictive and can start to drive your life. It is like alcohol or any other substance a very gradual process until one day (usually when it’s too late) you realize how big of control it has over your life.

If you have ever had a chance to speak to someone who smokes very regularly, you must have encountered them saying things like they can stop whenever they want and that they’re not addicted.

It’s their way of convincing themselves by trying to convince you. It is this very psychology behind pot that allows people to continue consuming it without ever second-guessing their choices.

Another observation, people can usually go without it for few days or even weeks, but their only motivation to get through this time (time without marijuana) is their desire and hope that they will soon be able to do it.

Few other observations,
1. Smoking pot every day gradually tends to make you inefficient. You spend so much time in your head, thinking, thinking about things that are quite irrelevant in reality.

2. You begin to get affected physically as well. You start losing weight. Your eyes become weak. and you become very dull.

3. Isolation. You become very distant from people, and you manage to convince yourself that it’s all good.

4. You dwell in your past too long, not realizing how much time you are investing in things that won’t ever change.

5. You become socially awkward. Smoking too much pot is inviting anxiety and depression to your life.

To understand these consequences better, it’s important to understand what this drug does to your mind. It often can leave you anxious, afraid, or panicked. Using pot may raise your chances for clinical depression or worsen the symptoms of any mental disorders you already have. Marijuana can make it harder for you to focus, learn, and remember things.

The sensation it causes in your mind makes you want to do more of it. But soon you begin to realize that nothing is fun without it anymore. You make boring and unbearable tasks tolerable by being high. This is a very short term remedy for issues you may have in your day to day life. It is like a getaway drug if done every day.

I am not against it and at the same time, I am not promoting it. But before it’s too late I want you to just take a step back and evaluate your life choices.

Would you rather be active and fit or lethargic and lost.

Take it for what it is, don’t abuse it. Nothing good has ever come out of substance abuse.

Some people micro-dose, that is a whole different discussion. But if you can relate to this post, maybe it’s time you step back for a little bit.

Have a happy high!



Nupur Gandhi

I write about life and my epiphanies. Striving to make this world a better place to live in.