Unlearn to Learn

Nupur Gandhi
2 min readSep 4, 2020
Photo by Nguyen Thien on Unsplash

I am becoming more and more aware of myself and the world we live in. I can tell my consciousness is expanding. There are times when I find myself wondering what my purpose in this life is, but at the same time there is a strong belief deep within, and I know that I am on the right path.

I believe that for us to know what their true purpose is, we must strive to become our best selves. You know how they say, “mentor appears when the student is ready”. You have to be ready to see what’s in this life for you. We are constantly evolving. We should allow ourselves to experience the change and embrace the present moment fiercely. We should be in a state of flow. (more on this in my next post)

When you are by yourself, you learn so much about your potentials, you learn what you’re capable of. You evolve at a much greater speed. You attain the kind of peace that you would have never imagined otherwise. And day after day, being consistent and curious, you become your highest self! The magic begins to happen. You experience a massive shift in your consciousness and begin to see the world as it is. No filters, no conditioning. They’ve rightly said, you have to UNLEARN everything you’ve been taught to truly uncover the meaning of life.

When we start becoming aware and question our day to day activities, we can better differentiate between things that we do for the sake of it and things that we do because we really want to do them. This activity has the potential to improve your life tremendously over time.

I hope you become more aware and live a conscious life, and cherish your existence.



Nupur Gandhi

I write about life and my epiphanies. Striving to make this world a better place to live in.